Kutnohorsko Kolínsko Turistická Oblast

The royal
city of Zruč nad Sázavou

The foundation of Zruč nad Sázavou can be dated between 1032, when the Sázava monastery was founded, and the year 1150, which was found in the Church of the Elevation of St. Cross. The first preserved written mention of Zruč dates back to 1328. The first owner of Zruč was Heřman of the Chvalovský family from Ledec. For the next 200 years Zruč was the property of the Lords of Kolowrat. This family owned other settlements in Posázaví, e.g. Chřenovice. At one time they called themselves Zručští z Chřenovic because of this. In 1553 Jiří Kalenic of Kalenice bought Zruč from the Kolowrats. Zruč flourished so much under the Kalenices that it was promoted to a town with all town privileges under Ferdinand of Habsburg in 1561. The family coat of arms of the Kalenices (silver buffalo horns on a red shield) became the basis for the town’s coat of arms. The town privileges, including markets, were confirmed and further benefits added by Leopold I in 1662.

Zruč fell into decline during the Thirty Years’ War and in the following 200 years the manor was occupied by a succession of
different owners. The first time the zruč manor was seriously affected by fire was in 178l,
a second time in 1826 and a third time in 1871. In 1834 a major reconstruction of the chateau began.
The new castle was square in plan, without turrets and decorations. Known is the engraving of Eduard
Herold from that time. In 1872-78, Jan Stanislav Skrejšovský became the owner of the estate.
contributed to the construction of the Zruč-Lipina-Krasoňovice-Hodkov road.

Much has changed in Zruč nad Sázavou in recent years. The castle was reconstructed and
its surroundings, built a sports hall, several new sports fields, a playground with ball
track and repaired traffic playground, Zručský dvůr in the middle of the town becomes the centre of
tourist events, the Sázava River was bridged with a new footbridge, the Ostrovský brook was
new bridge. Cyclists can enjoy a new trail along the Sázava River, north of Zruč
the Babka lookout tower was built.

Zruč nad Sázavou belongs to the tourist area of the Region of the Knights of Blanica, which offers a wealth of
plenty of activities for both big and small visitors.

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